Just today locals were celebrating parking tickets on an influx of visitors parking dangerously and blocking local residents driveways to our relatively newly renovated Lido, this post makes that celebration justified. We feel protective our our town. ❤️ 😃

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Oh my god I feel this so deeply it makes me want to cry and then nap. My husband and I are trying to run a cafe and little shop in a tiny town the the constant critiques are going to be the death of us.

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Isn’t it incredible how people who have never run a business similar to yours have all sorts of advice to offer?! “You know what you should do..” is guaranteed to cause my husband to stop listening. A smile and a nod and putting it out of your head unless it aligns with your brand and what you want to be was how we manage. You have got this and hopefully eventually it will calm down when they realize you have a great thing as it is!

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